If you’re being dogged by the IRS as a result of owing them money due to delinquent taxes, previous tax returns or other IRS problem, you may have more options than you thought. When the IRS presents you with penalties they don’t always give you all of the options available to you and you may not be aware if you’re eligible for an offer in compromise. By definition, an offer in compromise is a settlement between the IRS and the taxpayer for a lesser amount than is owed. Eligibility for an offer in compromise is determined by the tax payer’s income and assets and therefore people who are able to pay their penalties fully through a payment plan or other settlement likely do not qualify.
When you contact the offices of Jay Allen Finn, Finn or a member of his team will help you with your IRS problems and help find out if you may be able to settle your tax debt through an offer in compromise. If you’re searching for help with your IRS problems, you’ll find it hard to match the qualifications of Jay Allen Finn, CPA because Finn is a former Internal Revenue Service agent. Having previously worked for the IRS, Jay Allen Finn has been able to help numerous clients settle for much less than they originally thought possible because of his experience and knowledge about the IRS.
Don’t battle the IRS alone. When you have Jay Allen Finn on your side, you’ll have someone doing research on your behalf and helping to determine your offer in compromise eligibility and help you settle for the lowest amount possible.
To read more about Offer in Compromise, please visit the following url: http://www.doggedbyirs.com