A problem with the IRS is not something that you can ignore until it goes away. Having delinquent taxes is something that will haunt you until you finally pay them off. If you are having problems with the IRS, there is help available. DoggedbyIRS.com offers the IRS tax help that you need to get out from under those back taxes and back on your feet where you belong. Jay Allen Finn, CPA has worked for many years as a tax agent and knows exactly how to deal with the IRS. He can help you to settle your tax debt and leave those tax problems behind you for good.
The first thing that Mr. Finn and his team of tax professionals will do is work to get your payments up to date. He can help you to determine just how much you actually owe to the IRS and believe it or not, sometimes Mr. Finn’s clients learn that the IRS actually owes them a refund of their payments. Instead of sitting at home and wishing your tax problems away, allow Mr. Finn and his team to get to work for you and make that dream a reality.
He can help you to reach a settlement agreement with the IRS and if you qualify, could actually settle your debt for just pennies on the dollar. Don’t let another day go by while you worry over your back tax delinquencies. Allow Mr. Finn to represent you today. To read more about IRS tax help, visit http://www.doggedbyirs.com