Friday, July 30, 2010

Let Help Make Your IRS Tax Problems a Thing of the Past

When you owe money to the IRS it can literally take over your life. Having an IRS problem, whether that means delinquent returns, back taxes or other problems, can mean constant harassment, wage garnishments, bank levies and even losing your personal property. If you are facing IRS tax problems, can help you to make those problems a thing of the past. Jay Allen Finn, CPA worked for many years as an IRS agent before turning the tables and deciding to help taxpayers just like you to settle their tax debts. He can help you with a number of problems like completing your delinquent tax returns, getting you reduced penalties on your tax debt and even getting your debt settled for just pennies on the dollar.

The thing is though; if you don’t contact Mr. Finn he can’t help you. Having a problem with the IRS is definitely not the end of the world. These things can be worked out and Mr. Finn has the knowledge and experience to help you get your tax problems worked out quickly and permanently. He can negotiate a settlement for you that could be much less than what the IRS currently says that you owe.

IRS problems are certainly nothing to sneeze at and you should definitely take action. The action that you need to take is to contact Mr. Finn and allow him and his team of tax professionals to get to work on your case today. To read more about IRS tax problems, visit us at


Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to Stop a Wage Garnishment

If your employer is served with papers for a wage garnishment on you, he or she will have no choice but to comply. Refusing to honor a wage levy or garnishment can cause your employer to be subject to legal action. The best way to stop a wage garnishment is to never be served with one. Of course, this may not always be completely possible, particularly when dealing with tax debt. If you have been informed that your wages will be garnished, there is something that you can do to keep the IRS from taking a portion of your paycheck.

Wage garnishments can be anywhere from just a few dollars each week to hundreds of dollars every time you get paid. This is money that you have worked very hard for and money that you will have no choice but to give up to the IRS. That is, unless you do something about it before it is too late. At, we are in the business of helping people who are dogged by the IRS. Jay Allen Finn, CPA has many years of experience in dealing with tax-related issues and has the experience and know-how to get the IRS off of your back and put your hard earned money back into your wallet.

You don’t have to live with a wage garnishment. There is help available if you know where to look. Allow Mr. Finn to look at your case today and help you to keep your money in your pocket where it belongs. To read more about wage garnishment, visit us at




Friday, July 16, 2010

The IRS Will Garnish Wages for Past Tax Debt!

If you have ever had problems with the IRS you certainly know just how insistent they can be. In fact, the IRS will not stop until your tax debts are paid in full. In order to collect on tax debt, the Internal Revenue Service will garnish wages, place bank levies and could potentially take your property. Dealing with the IRS brings fear, stress and possibly bankruptcy. However, there is a better way. At, we know just how you feel. We know how worrisome dealing with back taxes and possible wage garnishments can be. Jay Allen Finn, CPA knows exactly how you feel because he used to work for the IRS. He knows what lengths the IRS will go to in order to get their money.

But, all is not lost. Mr. Finn can and will help you to avoid wage garnishments and bank levies, help you to retain ownership of your property and in many cases can get your tax debts settled for just pennies on the dollar. If you are battling with the IRS, you are definitely not alone. We can help you to avoid having your paycheck diminished by the IRS each week. See, when your employer receives an order to garnish your wages, he really has no choice but to comply. He must take a percentage out of your paycheck every week and send that money to the IRS. This is money that you may need to provide for your family.

Mr. Finn wants to help you to keep your paycheck in your pocket where it belongs. Allow us at to help you today. To read more about garnish wages, visit us at


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

You May Qualify for an IRS Offer in Compromise

The only program in the IRS Code that factors in back taxes as well as penalties and interest to determine a lower payoff is an IRS offer in compromise. If you qualify for this program, you may be able to reduce your tax debt by thousands of dollars depending on what you currently owe the IRS and your specific situation. If you have back tax debt and you are not financially able to make reasonable monthly or quarterly payments to pay down this debt, you may qualify for this program. It can help you to completely settle your tax debt for much less than what you currently owe and help you to get back on your feet financially.

In order to determine if you qualify for an offer in compromise, you will need to speak with a professional tax consultant who can work with the IRS on your behalf. Jay Allen Finn, CPA is that professional. Mr. Finn has years of experience working as an IRS agent so he knows exactly what factors to consider when qualifying for an offer in compromise. He can help you to determine if this program is right for you and he can work with the IRS to determine what you owe and how you are going to pay it.

Allowing Mr. Finn to get to work for you will allow you to stop the worry and anxiety that comes from being dogged by the IRS. To read more about IRS offer in compromise, visit us at