Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An IRS Offer in Compromise Could Eliminate Your Tax Debt Quickly

Many taxpayers are faced with debt to the IRS. This brings on stress and often harassment from the Internal Revenue Service. If you owe money to the IRS then you may already be receiving phone calls and letters threatening you with any number of collection efforts. Simply put, the IRS stops at nothing to get what they feel is owed to them. However, you do not have to withstand this harassment. There is a program called the IRS offer in compromise that could very well help you to get out from under your tax debt much more quickly than you could imagine.

The Offer in Compromise allows you to pay your debt off for just pennies on the dollar in many cases. This means that even if you owe tens of thousands of dollars to the IRS, you could potentially pay that debt off for just hundreds of dollars. Imagine not owing money to the IRS any longer. Jay Allen Finn, CPA has been working with clients for many years in this aspect. He can help to determine if you qualify based on certain criteria and if so, he can get you started on your road to IRS freedom but you have to contact him before he can begin.

If you are tired of owing money to the IRS and want to see if you qualify for this program, contact Jay Allen Finn today.  He and his team of tax professionals are waiting to help you to get out from under your IRS debt for good.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Get Help in Filing Those Previous Tax Returns from Jay Allen Finn

Having problems with the IRS can be very stressful. Many taxpayers spend years being dogged by the IRS for neglecting to file previous tax returns or simply not having the means to pay the taxes that they owe. If you need to file tax returns from years past, Jay Allen Finn can help you. Mr. Finn has more than 30 years of experience in working with and for the IRS. He knows how to properly file those taxes and get you the relief that you need from IRS harassment. In addition to helping you to file previous returns, Mr. Finn can also help you to prevent wage garnishments by the IRS, stop property seizures and bank levies and even reduce the penalties on the tax debt that you owe.

If you qualify, he could even get you a settlement known as an offer in compromise. This is an agreement between you and the IRS to get your tax debt settled and could potentially settle that debt for just pennies on each dollar that you currently owe. If you are having difficulties paying your delinquent taxes, you need to contact Mr. Finn to see if you qualify for this offer.

Dealing with the IRS can be difficult, stressful and even frightening. If you are tired of the harassing phone calls and letters and simply want to be finished with your IRS problems for good then contact the offices of Jay Allen Finn and allow him to get started on your case today.