Sunday, March 14, 2010

Untangle Any IRS Houston Situation with Jay Allen Finn

When the IRS comes knocking on your door, it can be a scary experience. There is a public perception that the IRS has all the power and the average citizen does not have any. This is not necessarily the case. Here is a good example of how you can alleviate the pressure and pain of a visit from the IRS. If you are you a Houston resident and IRS Houston comes a-knocking, the best step you can take is to call Jay Allen Finn, CPA. Mr. Finn’s information is online at and his first question is “Are you dogged by the I.R.S.?

Jay Allen Finn knows how to help you because he was formerly an IRS revenue agent. He knows the situation from both sides and he can speak the IRS language perfectly. If you don’t get the right advice or, even worse, don’t respond to the IRS Houston in a timely manner, you can find yourself hit with a wage levy, a bank levy or some other type of garnishment from the IRS. Jay Allen Finn is licensed to practice in IRS appeals, tax court and mediation.

Once Jay Allen Finn helps you deal with IRS Houston immediately he can help you get established so that you don’t run into these problems again. The stress of dealing with the IRS is not something that you want to repeat. So when you get out of the predicament, you will be given the tools to stay out of such situations in the future.

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