Anyone who has ever experience problems with the IRS knows just how relentless they can be in collecting what is owed to them. They will literally stop at nothing to get their money. From placing a bank levy on your personal bank accounts to garnishing your wages, they will do everything legally possible to get you to pay off your debt. What most taxpayers do not realize is that they do not have to sit back and allow the IRS to continuously harass them. There are things that you can do to stop the Internal Revenue Service from taking your money.
Of course, if you do owe money to the IRS, you will need to get that debt paid in full. You can however, get help. Jay Allen Finn, CPA can help you to deal with the IRS, stop those harassing phone calls and letters and even stop the IRS from attaching your wages, bank accounts and personal property. He can help to determine whether or not you qualify for an offer in compromise which will allow you to pay off your IRS debt for less than what the government says that you owe. In many cases, you may be able to pay off your debt minus fees and penalties.
If you owe money to the IRS, you need help. If you have received notice of a wage garnishment or bank levy, there is no time to waste. Allow Mr. Finn to go to work for you and get you relief from your tax debt. To read more about garnish wages, visit us at