If you owe delinquent taxes, you need to be aware of the things that the IRS will do in order to get you to pay them what you owe. One of the most common ways that they get their money is to garnish the wages of the taxpayer who owes. In fact, the IRS can take up to 70 percent of your paycheck in some cases. You can simply imagine the hardship that this can cause for taxpayers just like you who owe back taxes but have yet to find a solution for paying them back. Before the IRS gets ahold of your paycheck, you need to do something. You need to contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA and allow him to work with the IRS on your behalf.
Mr. Finn can help you with reducing the penalties that you owe for delinquent taxes, settling your debt with an offer in compromise and even protecting your future tax refunds. Whatever the reason that you owe the IRS, the time to act is before they take their collection efforts to a higher level. They can attach your personal bank accounts, your property and your paycheck. In order to find a solution to your tax dilemma, allow Mr. Finn to help. He has many years of experience in working as an IRS agent and knows exactly how to work with the Internal Revenue Service to help you to get your tax debt settled.
Don’t wait another minute and risk losing your hard earned money to the IRS. Contact Mr. Finn and let him help you out of your dilemma. To read more about garnish wages, visit us at http://www.doggedbyirs.com
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