Having problems with the IRS is nothing to sneeze at. In fact, if you owe money to the IRS they could very well take that money straight from your bank account or your wages. If you have tax debt and are afraid that the IRS will garnish wages from you then you need to act soon. Jay Allen Finn can help you with that IRS debt. He can work to ensure that you do not lose your paycheck every week and he can help to keep your bank accounts protected. You need to understand that unless you have the money in your hand to pay off your tax debt then the IRS is going to take that money from somewhere.
There are thousands of taxpayers every year who are hit with a wage levy from the IRS to pay off a tax debt. Depending on your circumstances including your assets, income and dependents as well as the amount of your debt, your wages could be garnished up to 70 percent. This means that you will be losing a high percentage of your income each and every payday. This is completely legal and the IRS will definitely use a wage garnishment to get their money if push comes to shove. The key is in keeping it from coming to this. You need to contact Mr. Finn immediately and allow him to get to work on your case.
Mr. Finn will work with the IRS for you to ensure that your wages, bank accounts and other personal assets are protected. He will help you to get your tax debt settled, in many cases for much less than you think.
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