If you owe money to the IRS it is important that you get that debt paid off as soon as possible. Now, if you cannot afford to make payments or you simply feel that this debt can be left on the backburner, you need to think again. If you are required to make payments on your tax debt and you are not making those payments, the IRS is likely to serve a wage garnishment to your employer. This means that you will be losing a substantial portion of your paycheck each and every payday. The actual percentage will vary but it can be as high as 70 percent of your income in some cases.
Don’t lose heart however. There is something that you can do to keep the IRS from taking your paycheck. First, you need to contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA. Mr. Finn is an ex-IRS agent and helps people like you to avoid wage garnishments, bank levies, personal property seizures and other situations with the IRS. He will work with you and with the IRS on your behalf to get your payments brought up to date so that you are not served with a wage garnishment or other collection orders.
Dealing with the IRS is a frightening and frustrating experience. But, you are not alone. Allow Mr. Finn to get to work today to help you to get out from under that IRS debt and put those worries behind you. To read more about wage levy, visit us at http://www.doggedbyirs.com
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