If you are a taxpayer with an IRS problem, then you may feel as if you have nowhere to turn. The IRS can be very diligent in collecting payments from taxpayers and typically show absolutely no compassion when it comes to taking money that may be needed to support your family. These problems can cause loss of sleep, depression and in many cases, financial ruin. If you owe money to the IRS there is only one way that you can get them off your back and that is to pay them what you owe. However, you may be able to pay them an amount that is much less than what you think.
An IRS offer in compromise is an agreement between you and the government stating that you will pay your delinquent taxes at an amount that is less than the original amount. The program typically takes the fees and other penalties away and allows you to settle for just a few pennies on each dollar. If you qualify for this program you could actually have your IRS debt paid in full several years before you thought possible. If you feel that you may qualify for an offer in compromise then you need to contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA. Mr. Finn can work with you to determine your eligibility for the program and get the ball rolling in your favor.
Even if you do not qualify, Mr. Finn can help to work out a suitable arrangement with the IRS on your behalf to protect your income and personal property as well as your future income tax refunds. To read more about IRS offer in compromise, visit us at http://www.doggedbyirs.com
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